A Delphi 6 compatible package is supplied with (it uses a Delphi 5 generated type library import unit). You can avoid this by importing the type library in Delphi 5 or 7 and using the generated type library import unit in Delphi 6. The type library importer has a bug where the parameters to Automation events are incorrectly dispatched (they are sent in reverse order) meaning that all the Automation events operate incorrectly (if at all). If you are using Delphi 6 you will encounter a problem that is still present even with Update Pack 2 installed. Ready made SAPI 5.1 packages containing Automation components for Delphi 5, 6 and 7 can be found in appropriately named subdirectories under SAPI 5.1 in the accompanying files. You can find abundant documentation on all these interfaces in the SAPI 5.1 SDK documentation. So for example, the TSpVoice component implements the SpVoice interface. Each component is named after the primary interface it implements. When the package is compiled and installed you will get a whopping set of 19 new components on the SAPI 5.1page of the Component Palette. You can either select the default package offered (the Borland User Components package by default), choose to open a different package or even create a new one. The generated import unit is called SpeechLib_TLB.pas and will be installed in a package. Now press Install. so the type library will be imported and the generated components will be installed onto the Component Palette (pressing Create Unit would also generate the type library import unit, but would require us to install it manually). Gratis Unduh Source Code dan Contoh Aplikasi dengan Delphi 7 Part 1, Aplikasi Import data dari Ms Excel| Download Sistem Informasi Penjualan| Download. These components will go on the ActiveX page of the Component Palette by default, but you may wish to specify a more appropriate page, such as SAPI 5.1. Now ensure the Generate Component Wrapper checkbox is checked so the type library import unit will include component wrapper classes for each exposed Automation object. Choose Project| Import Type Library. and locate the type library described as Microsoft Speech Object Library (Version 5.1) in the list. We will focus our attention on early bound Automation, which requires you to import the type library. This means that you can access SAPI 5.1 functionality through late bound or early bound Automation. SAPI 5.1 exposes most of the important interfaces, types and constants through a registered type library (SAPI 5.0 did not do this, making it difficult to use in Delphi without someone writing the equivalent of the JEDI import unit for SAPI 5). Information on using the SAPI 4 high level interfaces can be found by, whilst discussion of the low level interfaces can be found.

There is also coverage on using SAPI 4 to build speech-enabled applications.